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Amber project at school in Eindhoven (1/2)


Updated: Jan 14

Amber is always looking for new adventures, and what better adventure is there than one written by kids the same age as Amber herself!


The Amber team had the idea to do a project with students in the first year of Dutch high school (average age of 12 years old) where they can make up their own adventure with Amber. Therefore, the team reached out to several schools and they found a good match with the Huygens Lyceum in Eindhoven. At this school first year students do a project each trimester to let them explore and expand their skills. Science teacher Amy Meevis agreed to guide the project.

First year students of the Huygens Lyceum could choose between several projects for their first trimester. Students who chose the project named: "(Join) Amber’s next adventure" would set out to investigate a phenomenon they would pick with their team, with the goal to create a comic to explain this phenomenon.

As the Amber project is a multidisciplinary project, containing science, arts, and storytelling, collaboration in a team is an important factor! Everybody would be able to bring their own qualities to the task at hand to create the best possible outcome for their team!

During the first lesson the project was introduced. Sanne (one of the physicists of the Amber team) visited the class and explained a bit more behind the Amber comics. Students got the chance to read several of the Amber comics (some are not even published yet!) and share their thoughts.

The scientific explanation is key in all the comics, thus a scientist must be present to explain the topic phenomenon to Amber. Students were asked to draw their version of a scientist, as a warm-up for the eventual comic drawing.

Based on the first lesson some ground rules for the comic were set:

  • Amber is the star of the comic,

  • One page only,

  • A scientist must explain the science,

  • Nobody dies. (;

After the project students will have learned more about their own chosen scientific phenomenon, and about making a comic! They even get to do their own experiment to understand their topic even better, because it is much more fun to see something happen than just to read about it.

In the next blog, we will tell you more about the process and the end results. After that, the student comics will be published!

So, stay tuned!

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